Mercedes-Benz EQB 300 4Matic AMG Burmester 360 Panorama garantija pvn

Type of fuel: Electric car
Gearbox: Automatic gearbox
Order number: W1N9M0JB6PN046269
Mileage: 2536 km
Year: 2023
Pieejams EKII atbalsts: Atbalsts līdz 6750 € privātpersonām

Price: 49 900 €
The price is indicated with 21% VAT

Atbalsts līdz 6750 € privātpersonām Atbalsts līdz 6750 € privātpersonām

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Iespējams saņemt 4500 (Eur) EKII valsts atbalstu privātpersonām
Iespējams saņemt 6750 (EUR) EKII valsts atbalstu Goda ģimenēm

DC uzlāde līdz 112kW
AC uzlāde līdz 11kW
Baterija: 69.7kW (66.5kW Netto)
Ar vienu uzlādi var nobraukt līdz 423km kombinētajā ciklā (WLTP)

Iegādājies auto pie oficiālā Mercedes-Benz dīlera Veho SIA

Jūsu esošais auto var būt kā daļēja samaksa

Baterijas garantija līdz 06.2031 / 160 000 km
Rūpnīcas garantija spēka līdz 06.2025 / 200 000 km
Iespējams oficiāli pagarināt garantiju līdz 06.2033 / 200 000 km


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Leasing calculator

Monthly payment: ... / month
Type of lease:
The first installment:
Interest rate:
The residual value:
The calculation was made when purchasing a car at a special price of EUR %{price} on an operating lease for %{months} ​​months. With %{deposit_percentage}% or %{deposit_amount} EUR (excluding VAT) first installment, %{remaining_percentage}% or %{remaining_amount} EUR (excluding VAT) residual value, fixed interest rate %{interest}% + EURIBOR, monthly payment and %{result} EUR. Maximum mileage at the end of the leasing period %{max_mileage} km. This example is informative, each client's situation will be assessed individually. Borrow responsibly when evaluating your repayment options.
The calculation was made by purchasing a car at a special price of %{price} EUR in a financial lease for %{months} ​​months. With %{deposit_percentage}% or %{deposit_amount} EUR (excluding VAT) down payment, fixed interest rate %{interest}% + EURIBOR, monthly payment is %{result} EUR. This example is informative, each client's situation will be assessed individually. Borrow responsibly when evaluating your repayment options.

Get more information concerning particular leasing proposal in our showroom!